Employers: Create a Registered Apprenticeship
What is a Registered Apprenticeship?
Registered Apprenticeship is a skills-based training system that combines structured, on-the-job learning with related technical instruction. The apprentice works under the guidance of a qualified journey worker and attain periodic wage increases while they progress through the apprenticeship. Apprenticeships allow employers to grow their workforce to match industry standards of proficiency. Employer benefits include developing a highly skilled and productive workforce and attracting high-quality applicants who are motivated to succeed.
Benefits for Employers
- Employers gain specifically trained, qualified, and loyal employees.
- Skilled employees tailored to employer’s needs
- Higher productivity and knowledge transfer
- Payroll and training cost savings
- A systematic approach to training
- Reduced turnover rates
- Lower recruitment costs
- A pipeline of skilled workers
- Improved safety
Benefits for Apprentices
- Individuals get paid work experience, training, decreased student debt, and can turn a job into a career.
- A paycheck
- Hands-on career training
- An education
- A career
- National Industry Certification
Create an Apprenticeship: Become a Sponsor
There are five main steps to creating a RAP and becoming a sponsor.

There are many established RAP occupations to choose from or you can create your own.

& Existing
Our State Apprenticeship Office is here to help you get started and identify partners and existing programs that could be a good fit: (907) 269-3729 or apprenticeship@alaska.gov

Our State Apprenticeship will connect you with the experts and resources in your community: (907) 269-3729 or apprenticeship@alaska.gov

Core components are essential for creating an apprenticeship program that can be nationally registered. Make sure to include the components listed below as you create your program.
Required Core Components:
- Industry-Led
- Paid Job
- Structured On-the-Job Learning (OJL) & Mentorship
- Technical Instruction
- Diversity
- Quality & Safety
- Credentials

& Manage
Required Components in Depth
Industry-Led. RAPs are developed with industry-specific criteria in mind. This ensures the program aligns with industry standards and gives you the opportunity to connect with professional training in your field.
Paid Job. RAPs must pay apprentices. They should be paid employees producing high-quality work, while simultaneously learning industry-specific skills that benefit your organization. The employer must commit to a wage progression schedule as the apprentice gains new skills.
Structured On-the-Job Learning (OJL) & Mentorship. In addition to learning through technical instruction, OJL is an essential component of a RAP. OJL requires the apprentice to work with a skilled mentor as part of their training. This allows them increased proficiency not just in the industry but also within the employer’s specific organization.
Technical Instruction (TI). TI is what you may see referred to as the classroom or educational component. In addition to the hands-on OJL and mentorship, TI creates the other half of your training plan. TI can be delivered virtually, in-person, or a combination of both. It can also be provided by your organization or an external one such as community colleges and vocational schools. What apprentices learn in their TI can then be applied on-the-job, further improving their industry skills and proficiencies.
Diversity. RAPs should be designed to reflect the communities they operate in and support. It’s important to operate without discrimination or harassment. Your recruitment practices should ensure access, equity, and inclusion!
Quality & Safety. Apprentices are employees. As such, they are afforded worker protections throughout the program. It’s essential that their training include the safety skills and supervision necessary to the work for both your protection and theirs.
Credentials. RAPs allow apprentices to earn a portable, nationally-recognized industry credential. This increases the specially trained workforce pool available to your industry.
Join an Apprenticeship: Partner with an Existing Sponsor
Join an existing program! When you partner with an existing sponsor, you create a program that utilizes an existing framework. The apprentice will work for you but the overall operation of the RAP is managed by the sponsor organization. This provides employers the flexibility of getting started almost immediately and decreasing their own paperwork requirements.
USDOL Employers – Join an Apprenticeship
An existing sponsor provides the industry and/or occupation-specific expertise to support employers in a particular sector, coordinate partner responsibilities, provide program administration, and assist with instruction and supportive services. Partnering with an existing apprenticeship sponsor is especially helpful for small and medium-sized employers that may not have the capacity to operate a RAP on their own. Some existing RAP sponsors in Alaska include: Alaska Works Partnership, Alaska Primary Care Association, and Associated Builders and Contractors Alaska.
Grant Opportunities
- Subscribe to the Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development GovDelivery emails to receive information about grant opportunities and more.
- On-the-Job Training
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Incumbent Worker Training Program
- Alaska Workforce Investment Board Training Programs