State Training and Employment Program
The State Training and Employment Program (STEP) is administered by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD), Alaska Workforce Investment Board (AWIB) and funded by a set aside from the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund. The purpose of STEP is to enhance the quality and accessibility of in-state training and employment services for Alaska residents to help meet the workforce needs of employers in the state. In addition, the program seeks to increase resident employment in industries where a high number of nonresidents are working, reduce future unemployment claims, and foster economic growth in all regions by meeting employer demand for a skilled workforce.
STEP provides several types of training opportunities, including industry-specific training; on-the-job training, apprentice training in a USDOL Registered Apprenticeship program; institutional or classroom job-linked training; and support services necessary to enable a participant to attend training and/or obtain or retain a job.
STEP Grants for Organizations:
Organizations eligible to apply for STEP funding include:

- Private Sector Employers
- Non-Profit organizations
- Regional Training Centers
- Adult Education and Training Providers
- Employers
- Sponsors of Federally Registered Apprenticeship Programs
- Local and State Government Agencies
How does an organization sign up for STEP Grant notifications?
When available, the Request for Grant Applications can be found on the state's online public notice website . An organization must sign up to receive notifications of grant opportunities published in the online public notice.
To sign up for grant notifications and opportunities, please click here and follow the steps below:
- Enter your email address and click submit.
- Enter your email address again to confirm
- Select your email delivery preference,
- Click the checkbox to consent to the data privacy policy
- Click submit.
- Select Grant Notifications under Employment and Training Services
- Select AWIB News and Announcements under Workforce Investment Board
- Select any other notification you'd like to receive
- Click the submit button to finalize your selection
Benefits of the program
STEP targets participants who may be employed or employable, have worked in a job covered by unemployment insurance in any state, and who need training to improve their prospects for obtaining or retaining employment. The goal of STEP is to help self-motivate individuals with realistic goals to gain essential skills for employment success. The benefit to STEP participants as they move forward in their careers aided by STEP training is increased earning potential. Employers who invest in a skilled workforce gain a competitive edge in business and benefit from costs incurred in supporting unemployment insurance for those not working.
STEP Training for Individuals
Are you an individual looking to participant in STEP? Please contact your local Job Center . They may also have other programs you may qualify for.